Our vision
Our Vision is to create sustainable, green and profitable entrepreneurial environments for community upliftment around biochar. We focus on renewable energy, food security and the rehabilitation sectors centring on:

Applying them to improve soil, livestock health and fertility in farming, soil rehabilitation and in water and effluent purification scenarios.
Cost-effective natural reclamation and restoration of former industrial land in the mining and timber sectors.
Applying them to improve soil, livestock health and fertility in farming, soil rehabilitation and in water and effluent purification scenarios.
Applying BioCarbon as an alternative co-firing source for the steel and iron making industry in the quest to offset carbon taxes.
Energy Production from biomass to operate our technologies and meet the growing energy demands in communities.

NewCarbon’s solutions consist of integrating the various elements of the biomass value chain into economic, social and environmentally viable business models. Biomass sources are harvested, collected, densified, and processed through our propriety technology for products beneficial to the water-food-energy-nexus.

We offer technology solutions and organic products that are natural and carbon-negative by nature, working towards the creation of a low-carbon economy. Innovative technology allows up to 50% of the CO₂ captured by plants to be sequestrated, enabling a cascading benefit when applied to water purification, wastewater treatment, animal husbandry, and soil amendment/remediation scenarios before ultimately putting it back into the soil.

NewCarbon has developed proprietary technology and processes to locally produce premium quality Powder Activated Carbon (PAC) and Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) from alien invasive plants. This technology will provide a complete circular economic solution to the water security issues faced by the City of Cape Town in particular and other municipalities across South Africa to improve water catchment management and purify potable drinking water while creating new sustainable green jobs around families and communities. Our initial test samples are on par with some of the best imported products on the market.

NewCarbon is also conducting field trials with sheep to validate the supposition that biocarbon as a supplement along with other feed components will result in increased muscle mass and remediate against a variety of harmful bacterial components in the rumen. In addition, much work has been done to understand the potential of utilising charged biocarbon as a component of substrates and trials will be underway shortly to quantity and validate the many potential benefits reported to date. NewCarbon is on track to engage with and supply our targeted markets by the end of the 2nd quarter of 2022.